Dipl.-Chem., Dr. rer. nat.
until 2018
Patent Attorney
European Patent Attorney
European Trademark & Design Attorney
2000 | Partner |
1996 | Merged with the law firm |
1995 | Registered as a European patent attorney |
1994 | Founded her own office in Hannover |
1991 | Registered as a patent attorney |
1987 to 1990 | Trained as a patent attorney at a law firm in Essen |
1985 | Doctorate in physical chemistry, specializing in spectroscopy and photochemistry |
1980 to 1983 | Assistant at the Institute of Physical Chemistry at Braunschweig Technical University |
1975 to 1980 | Studied chemistry at Braunschweig Technical University; degree at the Institute of Technical Chemistry and Polymer Chemistry |
German, English