A company’s name, logo, or other “identifying marks” convey its uniqueness, quality, and image. They are a crucial tool for acquiring customers and creating customer bonds, and contribute to a company’s financial success. There are many aspects to trademark law.
Thanks to decades of experience in this field, our firm is able to develop an optimally tailored strategy for obtaining the trademark protection that you require. We check for you whether your name, logo, or identifying mark can be protected as a trademark and whether using this trademark risks infringing third-party rights
In line with your business interests, we can apply your trademark as a German trademark, EU trademark, internationally registered trademark, or a national trademark in the applicable country. We can also manage your trademark portfolio andmonitor your trademarks for conflicts with new third-party applications. We can draw on a global network of overseas partner firms that we have a successful working relationship with. This network of attorneys enables us to not only represent your trademark before the German Patent and Trademark Office (GPTO), the European Union Intellectual Property Office (EUIPO), and the World Intellectual Property Organization (WIPO), but also to jointly coordinate the acquisition, assertion, and protection of your trademark rights abroad.
We are your point of contact if an extrajudicial claim is made against you for infringing third-party rights or if you yourself have to assert your rights against third parties. In case of disputes over domains, we can also provide consultation services and represent you before courts and in WIPO dispute proceedings.