Prof. Dipl.-Ing.
Until 2002
Patent Attorney
European Patent Attorney
European Trademark & Design Attorney
1978 | Founding partner of the joint practice Gramm + Lins |
1971 to 1977 | Continuation of the law firm as sole proprietor |
1967 | Joined the law firm of the patent attorney Dr. Jooß, Braunschweig |
1967 | Qualified as a patent attorney |
1964 to 1967 | Trainee as a Patentassessor |
General Manager of Flakeboard Co., New Brunswick, Canada | |
Management assistant with Bähre Metallwerk KG, Springe | |
Assistant engineer with the German merchant navy | |
Degree in mechanical engineering (Technical University of Hannover) specializing in general machine engineering |
German, English