Professional career
1978 Founding partner of the joint practice Gramm + Lins
1971 to 1977 Continuation of the law firm as sole proprietor
1967 Joined the law firm of the patent attorney Dr. Jooß, Braunschweig
1967 Qualified as a patent attorney
1964 to 1967 Trainee as a Patentassessor
  General Manager of Flakeboard Co., New Brunswick, Canada
  Management assistant with Bähre Metallwerk KG, Springe
  Assistant engineer with the German merchant navy
  Degree in mechanical engineering (Technical University of Hannover) specializing in general machine engineering
  • Gramm: ‘Problems of internal priority’, GRUR 80, 954
  • Gramm: ‘Problems of persons seeking legal protection before the courts of intellectual property protection’, GRUR 81,465
  • Gramm, Lins: ‘One claim - one priority?’, GRUR Int. 83, 634
  • Gramm: Commentary on the German Federal Court of Justice decision on ‘Settling device’, GRUR 83, 497
  • Gramm: ‘Industrial applicability’, GRUR 84, 761
  • Gramm: ‘The subject matter of a utility model under the Act amending the Utility Model Act’, GRUR 85, 650
  • Gramm: Commentary on the German Federal Court of Justice decision on ‘Brick molding II’, GRUR 85, 871
  • Gramm: ‘Self-protection against thieves of ideas’, IHK-Information 12-85, Koblenz chamber of industry and commerce, 15
  • Gramm: Commentary on the German Federal Court of Justice decision on ‘Abfördereinrichtung für Schüttgut’ (Bulk material discharge and transport device), GRUR 86, 798
  • Gramm: Notes on an article by Roland, Research transfer: Who owns the results of university research, GRUR 87, 864
  • Gramm: ‘The court expert as assistant to the judge in nullity appeal proceedings and in patent infringement litigation’, Commemorative publication for Preu 1988, 141
  • Gramm: ‘The new utility model - securing the market position for small and medium-sized enterprises’, Report on the panel discussion in Mitt. 89, 110
  • Gramm: ‘The meaning of task and objective of invention in patent law’, VPP circular 1990, II, 9
  • Gramm: ‘Problems of the patent granting procedure’, article in Gewerblicher Rechtsschutz und Urheberrecht in Deutschland (Protection of Intellectual Property and Copyright in Germany) - Commemorative publication the 10th anniversary, 1991
  • Gramm: ‘The patent license in the Prolongation Act’, Commemorative publication for Nirk 1992, 393
  • Gramm: ‘Patent infringement litigation’, selected questions on procedural and patent law, VPP 12/93, 82
  • Gramm: ‘The state of the art and expert knowledge’, GRUR 1998, 240
  • Gramm: ‘From ‘Drillmaschine’ (seed drill) to ‘Räumschild’ (rake blade): scope and dependence reflected in court rulings’, GRUR 2001, 926
  • Gramm: ‘The overall impression of word-device marks reflected in court rulings’, C.H. Beck, Bopp/Tilman Commemorative publication for Horst Helm, 2002, p.165

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